More items What to do in the first questline of the Shadowlands?ġ. Ok there are the herbs! 2 2: Mythic Dungeon Tools. Top 25 Best WoW Addons Every Player Needs (Shadowlands) 1 1: GatherMate2. What are the best addons for Wow Shadowlands? You can get an Item Level 184 item each week from Callings. They require you to complete Covenant-themed World Quests in one of the new zones. They become available each day and you can find them by clicking the Covenant UI on the minimap. Where do you get weekly items in Shadowlands?

Additionally, among regular “kills the X mobs” or “collect X scrolls” tasks inside a quest, you’ll also come across some fierce pet-fighting competitions. Nonetheless, the World Quests are grouped in five, well-known areas: What’s more, each of them will fill with quests that will start and end predetermined by the game’s algorithm. Frequently Asked Questions How many world quests are there in Shadowlands?